Frequently asked questions
Super easy! Simply create an account by heading to Create an Account and enter your details. It’s free to join and you will automatically be signed up to receive emails with insider access to offers, promotions, and all of our newest drops. If you currently have an account with us - you’ve already been signed up to our rewards program so you can kick back, sign in, and start earning Points to redeem!
In short, you get rewarded the more you shop with us! Receive reward points for each purchase PLUS some exclusive campaigns you can complete in your rewards account, that can then be redeemed towards your future purchases or donated towards planting a tree.
Exchanging your points for great rewards couldn't be easier! Simply visit Your Rewards to view all of our great reward options and click the 'Redeem' button to redeem your chosen reward.Then copy and paste the code at checkout! Maximum points per single checkout is 400 points.
Yes! You're able to redeem your points to use on your next subscription cycle which will be auto-applied. Just head to 'how to use your points on Subscription cycles'
No limit! That’s the best part about being a rewards member! You will always have an opportunity to earn and accumulate more points by shopping and engaging with us. Maximum points per single checkout is 400 points.
There is no minimum purchase amount for subscription redemptions.
For single one off purchases, redeem your points for:
$5 is a purchase minimum of $20.
$10 is a purchase minimum of $40.
$15 is a purchase minimum of $50.
$20 is a purchase minimum of $60.
Maximum points redeemable is 400 points ($20) on a single checkout.
It’s only for online purchases made via pablandrustys.com.au
Yes. If you have received a refund for your entire order (we will refund you the total dollar amount spent after the discount was applied). The points you used to redeem the discount will also be added back into your rewards account.
If you use your rewards towards a purchase and later decide with us that it needs a refund, your rewards will be credited back to your rewards account. For example, if you use your $10 discount towards a $100 purchase that we decide to refund, the $90 balance will be refunded on your credit card and the $10 reward credit will be deposited back into your rewards account. So nothing is lost!
Your points will expire after one year of inactivity. Inactivity includes not interacting with our program i.e, redeeming points, placing an order, etc. So, we’d love for you to keep creating an impact with us!