Is jumping on every trend a good idea for your cafe? Thinking about adding TikTok to your social media mix?

Hey, I'm Ayka from the design team at Pablo & Rusty's. We're a couple of the creative minds who help bring ideas to life. Ever wonder how some brands seem to be ahead of the marketing game? One secret is TikTok. Sure, it’s known for dance trends and lip-syncing, but it’s also a powerful tool for businesses, especially cafes, to connect with their audience in a fun and engaging way.

The influence of social media trends

Social media has changed how we live. From personal moments to business interactions, it's now a massive part of our daily lives. One thing’s clear: platforms like TikTok can capitalise on trends, giving businesses a chance to ride the wave.

Social media trends and apps

The pitfalls of following trends blindly

But beware. When you follow trends blindly, you risk losing your brand’s identity. You blend in instead of standing out.

And there’s fierce competition. Popular trends attract a crowd, making it tougher to be noticed. Plus, hyped-up trends often fizzle, leading to wasted time and effort. Focusing too much on trends can also make you forget the basics that built your success in the first place.

Just because someone on TikTok puts spring onions (shallots) with coffee doesn't mean you have to.

Finding the right fit

Think about your brand. Revisit your identity and values before jumping on any trend. If your cafe is all about sustainability, for example, focus on eco-friendly practices. A practical example of what not to post: if your venue prides itself on reducing food waste, it is best not to throw any coffee beans around or waste food to try to get a viral shot.

Trends should boost your brand and make sense to your audience. At the end of the day, a trend should enhance the customer experience and strengthen your story. 

Social media trends and apps

Quality over quantity

You don’t need to chase every trend. Pick the ones that align with your brand and do them well. It’s better to have a few high-quality offerings that truly reflect your cafe’s vibe. This will leave a lasting impression on your customers. Keep refining based on customer feedback and seasonality to stay fresh.

Freshly brewed P&R Coffee with latte art

Authenticity is key

Authenticity is what sets you apart. Choose trends that reflect your cafe’s personality, values and mission. Customers crave real connections today, so make sure every trend fits your unique story. Whether it’s local ingredients or cultural influences, authenticity builds trust and loyalty, helping your cafe stand out in a crowded market.

Using the right tools

Creating great content takes more than jumping on trends. Use tools like Canva or Adobe for design and CapCut or Premiere for video editing. They can help you make your content pop and keep your audience engaged.

Beyond trends

A solid social media strategy is more than just hopping on trends. It’s about building a consistent brand identity and fostering trust with your audience. Trends can give you a short-term boost, but a long-term strategy will keep your cafe relevant and successful. Stay connected with the coffee community, track competitors and use analytics to guide your approach.

Social media trends and apps


To make social media trends work for your cafe, stay authentic, post great content, engage with influencers and keep an eye on what’s working. Trends can be fun, but they’re not everything. Focus on what makes your cafe unique and build from there.